

“Notes of a Chronic Re-Reader” (TPR) Worldliness The way books are in the world, and the ways in which we...

Film Review: «Interstellar» (2014)

Film Review: «Interstellar» (2014)

I’m a bit late to the party, but so what? The film is still #94 on IMDB’s popularity ranking as...

Inner Space

Inner Space

Sonic Touches to Relax To «Himanka» Recue<a href=”http://dewtonerecordings.com/album/foundations”>Foundations by Various Artists</a> «After Tomorrow (AMX)» Arovane & Hior Chronik<a href=”http://astrangelyisolatedplace.bandcamp.com/album/in-between-remixes”>In-between Remixes...

Today is a Day That Twines Up Around Us

Today is a Day That Twines Up Around Us

There And Back…Again And then I get to come home and stare into another (smaller) screen to work on applications...


I am afraidof wreckingand wreckageand brokenplates. I am learningthat fear isnota talisman,that it willnotprotect mefromanything. So what do we become?I...

Book Review: «Island of a Thousand Mirrors» by Nayomi Munaweera

Book Review: «Island of a Thousand Mirrors» by Nayomi Munaweera

“Tropical” by Julia happymiaow is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 Read this before you read the book or the review:...

A Bushel? A Flock? A Plural of Modernities

A Bushel? A Flock? A Plural of Modernities

Franz Marc | The Foxes | 1913 1. From History to Modernity Latin modernus, the root of our word ‘modern,’...

Quipt, Except

Quipt, Except

sometimes for no reasonI feel so luckyto be alive * and I stared at themfor maybe a fewstops too longI...

“Respect” In Both Senses of the Word

“Respect” In Both Senses of the Word

THE PROVERBIAL INTERNET QUOTE OF WISDOM: “Sometimes people use ‘respect’ to mean ‘treating someone like a person’ and sometimes they...

Book Reaction: «Snow Country» by Yasunari Kawabata

Book Reaction: «Snow Country» by Yasunari Kawabata

Available on The Internet Archive It was through a thin, smooth skin that man loved. Looking out at the evening...