Hello world! …again

2021-11-07: The site has notably been quite slow. I was waylayed by summer time sun and a variety of other projects. But I live in Seattle, where winter gladly helps me get through my indoor-compatible checklist. There’s beautiful grey clouds dropping rain about the city from now until next May, and so I have the time to turn my attention once again inward, and back to this site.

I’ve been doing a lot more technical work this summer, as my job drifts deeper into computer language. And while I have attempted to balance this with my readings, I cannot deny that my mind is now more likely to take a technical approach to the world than it once was. Or maybe I am getting older and less imaginative.

UPDATE 2021-06-08: It will take some time to get everything up and looking good again. Most all the posts are here, but due to them being written in Markdown stored in <HTML> and then exported into a CSV, there was no easy way to clean them on import. I did use an IPYNB (jupyter notebook) to remove all sorts of extra material, and get rid of some of the more egregious elements, but a lot of these will remain…not so pretty while they undergo review.

So I went ahead and pulled the plug on the old site…

I did really like OctoberCMS, but when I initially had installed it I assumed Future Me (TM) would be a lot more willing to invest time in and learn about LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL PHP) web development.

I was young and naïve, OK?

So here we are, on WordPress! …yay?

Spring is the time for new beginnings! So why not wipe the site? Although my spring donuts have not made me as hot as this poster 🙁