

When Power Speaks of Freedom A lack of consideration: can we trace it by silhouette? The world is always too...

Critical Affairs Part I,  A Timed Outburst: Frosty Sino-US Tensions Move Like Clockwork

Critical Affairs Part I, A Timed Outburst: Frosty Sino-US Tensions Move Like Clockwork

The U.S. and China, as much as those two entities meaningfully exist, have long been in a relationship dominated by...

In The World

“Notes of a Chronic Re-Reader” (TPR) Worldliness The way books are in the world, and the ways in which we...

Readings: Week of April 14

Readings: Week of April 14

Presented here without much comment or context. Make of these words what world you will. + [Trump, Scorcese, and the...

Queerness = Whiteness..?

Queerness = Whiteness..?

“Queerness As Whiteness” by Michelle Yuan A Critique An old problem: Is pride in an identity not wholly one’s own...

On A Long Way Elsewhere

On A Long Way Elsewhere

I haven’t exactly been active here recently—and this is a mere “personal site,” so what _have_ I been doing? The...

In This America

In this America, but not my America, life is not a precious resource. In this America, getting sick does not...

The Personal Presidential

The Personal Presidential

Kamala Harris is elected the first woman [1]—a black woman—to the white house as Joe Biden’s vice-President, defeating Cheeto Hitler...


they said it was for freedom,when they sent us to killfor imperialism; they said it was for freedom,when our families...

Time & Space (A New Refutation Of)

Time & Space (A New Refutation Of)

Trailridge in Colorado. The highest point along the pass. Mt. Tahoma in Washington state breaking through the cloudy PNW weather.